The Demand Efficiency Podcast



Demand Generation


4x IPOs as CMO and countless Board Seats later, Carol Meyers digs into her secret sauce for sustainable growth

Episode Outline

[04:39] Carol’s background

[07:16] Why people have to make trade offs with what they have available and also what's available in their neighborhoods

[10:13] How to wrap up with analytics as broad topics that might be the most productive

[11:18] The hardest lesson learned in your career thus far

[12:04] When you're small, usually marketing just kind of does whatever it wants

[14:34] Discount marketing and getting disillusioned

[16:35] Who's building their career and perhaps about to enter a big growth stage with the company

[19:22] It’s little easier to go from, serving smaller companies up to larger, as long as you do it with your eyes wide open about what that means

[20:19] Taking a product that's built for really large companies and trying to retrofit it to smaller companies is not easy.

[21:30] How you can assemble a team that has the right qualities

Carol's Inspirations:

Woody Benson

Connect with Carol:



Episode Outline

[01:10] How Backblaze accomplishes 90% inbound

[06:00] The unconventional ways Ahin drove growth at Backblaze

[09:23] The challenges of content marketing

[12:27] Campaigns that did not pan out and what Ahin learned from them

[16:23] The importance of having a unique view of value to share

[19:20] How learning the mechanics of collaborative databases benefited Ahin’s career

[20:35] Why Ahin thinks professional wrestling is America’s most important art form and purest form of storytelling we have

Ahin’s Inspirations

Pat Connolly

Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon

Connect with Ahin




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