Growing Unicorns



Demand Generation


Aligning Strategies around Traditional Demand Generation and ABM with Auseh Britt, Terminus

In this conversation with VP of Growth Marketing at Terminus, Auseh Britt, talks about demand gen marketing strategies. Today, you’ll hear about the marketing organization at Terminus, traditional demand gen versus ABM, how Terminus prioritizes budgeting, strategic accounts, and broad market coverage, ABM marketing campaigns, pulling intent data for campaigns, how to rally everyone behind a strategy, and some of the common mistakes and misconceptions about ABM.

Starting her career in Civil Engineering, and working for the Department of Transportation, Auseh realized that she enjoyed the project management aspect of the industry. She soon pivoted to marketing roles at InterContinental Hotels, Teleflora,, Bloomberg, Questex, Logi Analytics, and Terminus. Auseh holds a BSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida and an MBA in Marketing from Carnegie Mellon University - Tepper School of Business.

Episode Outline

[00:30] Auseh’s career path

[02:40] Marketing organization at Terminus

[04:25] Traditional demand gen versus ABM

[07:53] Splitting budgets between traditional demand gen and ABM

[10:19] Tying budget to customer lifetime value

[11:44] The split between strategic accounts versus broader market coverage

[13:40] The target market personas

[17:18] Campaign alignment between marketing and sales

[22:08] The mechanics of pulling intent data for campaigns

[23:39] Common mistakes and misconceptions about ABM

[26:59] Rallying everyone behind a strategy

[29:05] Auseh’s advice

Connect with Auseh 



Connect with Korina and Holly

LinkedIn - Korina Edwards, Matter Made

Twitter - Korina Edwards

Matter Made Website

Matter Made Growing Unicorns YouTube Channel

LinkedIn - Holly Chen, ExponentialX

Twitter - Holly Chen

ExponentialX Website

Growing Unicorns



Demand Generation


In this conversation, Korina Edwards and Holly Chen talk about brand, marketing, and growth. Hear about SEO and paid search, brand search, keyword bidding, the roles of different channels, and hiring growth and product marketers.

Episode Outline

[00:40] SEO and paid search

[07:15] The channel mix

[08:12] Brand search

[12:28] Bidding on keywords

[15:30] The role of a channel

[17:08] Should companies hire growth marketers or product marketers first?

Connect with Korina and Holly

LinkedIn - Korina Edwards, Matter Made

Twitter - Korina Edwards

Matter Made Website

Matter Made Growing Unicorns YouTube Channel

LinkedIn - Holly Chen, ExponentialX

Twitter - Holly Chen

ExponentialX Website

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